Lake County’s Premiere Martial Arts Academy since 1997
A great Martial Arts Instructor is essential for a Students positive and results oriented experience. Our Rank Certified Martial Arts instructors are hand-picked for their passion, expertise, knowledge, patience, their ability to work with children and for their desire to teach the profound lessons of both martial arts… and life.
Meet The Owners
Marc Halleck and Jason Gough. Coming Soon.
Meet Your Instructors
At The Northshore Academy of Martial Arts, Our Instructors are extremely passionate to help you or your child learn and grow. We work with each student… on an individual level – assisting, encouraging and teaching the physical and mental techniques needed to excel, surpass personal limitations and rise above challenges. Our instructors are always available, eager to answer any questions and will be by you or your child’s side… every step of the way.

Guro Marc Halleck
NSA Co-Owner – Head Adult Martial Arts Instructor • Head Jeet Kune Do / Kali Instructor
Marc is certified under the legendary Guro Dan Inosanto in Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino Martial Arts. Marc has been training in the martial arts since 1982 and has been teaching since 1994.
Guro Marc’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- Senior Associate Level 8 Instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto in Jun Fan-Jeet Kune Do
- Senior Associate Level 8 Instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto in Filipino Kali
- Instructor Level 2 under Guro Rick Faye in Filipino Kali/Jun Fan-Jeet Kune Do
- Full Instructor under Guro Ron Balicki/Diane Inosanto in Kali
- Full Instructor under Guro Ron Balicki/Diane Inosanto in Jun Fan
- Full Instructor / Eskrimador Atillo Balintawak under Legendary Grandmaster Atillo
- Author of “The 10 Levels of Panantukan-Silat Combatives” Instructional Series
- Midwest Representative and Certified Spikey Israeli Defense Instructor
- Member of The International Law Enforcement Educator & Trainers Association
- 98 World Eskrima Kali-Arnis Federation Mid-Western Regionals- 1st place
- 98 World Eskrima Kali-Arnis Federation Mid-Western Nationals- 2nd place
- 6th Degree Black Belt in Hand to Hand Combat under Guro Hock Hochheim
- 6th Degree Black Belt in Archipelago Combatives under Guro Hock Hochheim
- 6th Degree Black Belt from Degerberg Academy International
- 2nd Degree Black Belt in American Bu Kyoku Ryu Karate
- 1st Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do
Master Knife Instructor under Guro Hock Hochheim - Certified Instructor under Sifu Pete Hetrick

Sensei Alexandru Jovica
Head Instructor – Youth, Children and Elite Sparring Programs
Sensei Alex has been studying and teaching martial arts for almost 25 years. His life long Martial Arts Training and Martial Arts expertise reinforces his Youth Instructor style where students see the rewards of good discipline, self-confidence and positive attitudes through individual responsibility and achievement. Sensei Alex’s rare talent, raw passion and genuine love for working with children… is second to none.
Sensei Alex’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- Martial Arts Educator for 24 years
6th Degree Black Belt in NSA Blended Program under Guro Marc Halleck - 5th Degree Black Belt from Degerberg Academy
- Alex is known for his work as a Stuntman in Motion Pictures such as:
I, Frankenstein (2014)
Death Wish (2018)
Captive State (2019) - A Regular Stuntman on Chicago P.D. / Chicago Fire

Tuhon Jesse
Head Instructor – Pekiti Tirsia Kali / Archery / Weapons / Firearms
A Grandmaster in the Filipino Fighting Arts, Pekiti Tirsia Kali, Tuhon Jesse has over 45 years of Martial Arts experience. A direct student of GrandTuhon Leo T. Gaje, Jr., he serves as the Chief of Staff for Pekiti Tirsia Kali. Deployed with military forces around the world, he brings real world experiences in regards to combat and the fighting arts. He has years of study in multiple disciplines: Arnis de Mano, Escrima, Kali, Jeet Kune Do, Boxing, Judo, Wrestling, Kung Fu, Chen Tai Chi, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Krabi Krabong, and has created his unique blend of Martial Arts.
Tuhon Jesse’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- Chief of Staff for Pekiti Tirsia Kali
- A Combat Veteran having served faithfully for 20 years in the United States Armed Forces, he brings the C.O.M.B.A.T. mentality to our Academy
- A Highly experienced Firearms Instructor to Military, Law Enforcement, and Civilians. Certified as a Master Training Specialist for the Department of Defense.
- Edged/Impact Weapons Expert
- Extensive experience in Military, Law Enforcement and Security Operations. He is recognized as an expert in the field of Anti-Terrorism, Physical Security, Police/Security policies and procedures. An instructor in Police, Security Academies at the Local, State, Federal and International Level.
- Founder: Combat Warrior Academy, Pekiti Tirsia Kalirongan, Filipino Fighting Arts Society, Stick Fighting Olympiads, and Kali Combat Academy.

Jeff Morris
Head Krav Maga – Women’s Self Defense Instructor • Youth Instructor
Sensei Jeff has been studying the martial arts for over 20 years. Retired with full honors and a 20+ year Naval Career under his belt, Sensei Jeff has been an irreplaceable asset to the Northshore Academy of Martial Arts for well over 15 years. His life long Military Training and Martial Arts aids in his “hands on”, dynamic approach that strongly educates, promotes awareness, builds self-esteem and gives Krav Maga students the physical and mental tools they need to detect, avoid, and when necessary…confront potentially violent situations.
Sensei Jeff’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- Retired Navy Rm1 Communications Tech / Special Warfare Communications
- Navy Leadership Management Instructor – IMET
- IMET – International Military Education and Training
- Proudly Served his Country – United States Navy – Desert Storm
- Proudly Served his Country – United States Navy – Philippines
- Proudly Served his Country – United States Navy – Guam
- Proudly Served his Country – United States Navy – San Diego
- Proudly Served his Country – United States Navy – Glenview
- Proudly Served his Country – United States Navy – Rhode Island
- Proudly Served his Country – United States Navy – Chicago NRD
- 5th Degree Black Belt in Jun Fan – Kali under Guro Marc Halleck
- 2nd Degree Black Belt in Hand to Hand combat under Guro Hock Hochheim
- Student of Legendary Guro Dan Inosanto
- Student of Legendary Grandmaster Atillo
- Student of Guro Ron Balicki
- Student of Guro Rick Faye

Sensei and Coach Amir Deleon
Head Kickboxing Instructor • Jeet Kune Do / Kali Instructor • BJJ Instructor
Sensei Amir is considered one of the “Original Students of the NSA” with Training that now exceeds over 20 years. His approach compliments The Northshore Academy of Martial Arts with a style that is intense, thorough and effective. His Kickboxing Instructor style results in a system where students invariably increase their Martial Arts knowledge, enhance their individual skill sets and achieve only their best. Sensei Amir combines his Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Jeet Kune Do and Kali experience to produce the best Programs that Lake County, Illinois has to offer.
Sensei and Coach Amir’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- 4th Degree Black Belt in NSA Blended Program under Guro Marc Halleck
- Instructor under Coach Ben Seeyle – Roufusport Kickboxing Black Belt under Duke Roufus
- Intermediate Level 3 under Guro Ron Balicki/Diane Inosanto in Kali
- Intermediate Level 3 under Guro Ron Balicki/Diane Inosanto in Jun Fan-Jeet Kune Do
- Gracie Veneration Blue Belt under Professor Dave Rosenmarkle
- Studied Seiken Do Karate in the Phillippines
- Studied Shotokan Karate – 1 Year

Coach Jameel Massouh
Head Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Instructor – Youth and Adult Programs
With over 20 years of training in wrestling to a career in professional mixed martial arts… Jameel’s Fight experience and expertise in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Professor Dave Rosenmarkle (Gracie Veneration) enable students to experience Brazilian Jiu Jitsu on a whole new level.
Coach Jameel’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under (Gracie Veneration) Professor Dave Rosenmarkle
- 20 years wrestling (since 1998)
- 5 years (1999-2004 practicing Okinawan Shorei Ryu Karate
- 14 years (2004-present) boxing/kickboxing/muay thai
- 14 years (2004-present) Brazilian jiujitsu/submission wrestling
- 14 years (2004-present) professional mixed martial arts
- 6 years (2012-2018) as head wrestling coach for Indian Trail High School, Kenosha, WI.
- Professional Mixed Martial Arts Record :26w-9l
- Professional Kickboxing Record: 2w-1l
- 6 months immersion martial arts training in Osaka and Nagoya Japan
- 8 international mixed martial arts fights (Japan, Russia, Sweden, Canada, Puerto Rico)
- Main event victories in Japan, Russia, and Sweden.
- WEC and Bellator Veteran
- Fight Matrix’s 29th ranked Featherweight in the world October, 2010
- Fight! Magazine’s #10 ranked Bantamweight in the world, September 2010
- ADCC West Coast Trials, 2009, semi-finalist
- USBJJ, Gold Medalist, Expert nogi grappling
- Combat Corner Grappling Championship:
- Advanced Nogi Gold Medalist, Blue Belt Gold Medalist
- Nagoya Open (Japan): White Belt BJJTournament Champion, Blue Belt BJJ Tournament Champion.
- High School Educator since 2007.
- Lifelong Learner and Martial Artist

Sensei Greg Sedik
Instructor – Youth and Children’s Programs
An NSA instructor since 2011, Sensei Greg Sedik’s commitment to personal attention and his eagerness to help those children that might be struggling with a particular technique are just a few of the qualities that made him a perfect fit for the title of NSA Instructor. Known for his Steven Seagal style “Ponytail”, and often seen tussling with the younger kids before class, Sensei Greg’s soft spoken approach and enthusiasm for the Martial Arts can be seen in each and every class he is involved with.
Sensei Greg’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- 4th Degree Black Belt in NSA Blended Program under Guro Marc Halleck
- Level 1 Instructor in Pacific Archipelago Combatives under Hock Hochheim
- Eskrimador Level 3 in Atillo Balintawak under Grandmaster Atillo
- 1st Degree Rank under Hock Hochheim in Hand to hand Combat
- Currently Training in Muay Tai Boxing and Judo
- Over a Decade of Yoga Training
- Longest Ponytail in Lake County

Coach Amanda Flowers
Assistant Instructor – Kickboxing
Our newest Assistant Kickboxing coach Amanda Flowers is a very welcomed member of the team. She’s named ‘Short Fuse’ by her coaches for good reason – but don’t let that fool you. Her patience and commitment to teaching is demonstrated through her love of coaching. Amanda makes sure she takes the time to give direct attention and assistance to anyone who asks for it and will work with you for as long as you need to get to where you want to be. She particularly likes teaching women because she believes every woman should participate in martial arts and find confidence within themselves thorough finding their inner fighter. Her favorite technique is the superman punch, and she is particularly skilled in clinching.
Coach Amanda’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- Purple Belt in Muay Thai Kickboxing
- Northshore Academy of Martial Arts Demo Team
- Also Trains in Jiu-Jitsu, Kali, and Hapkido.

Sensei Joshua Lewis
Instructor – Youth and Children’s Programs
Sensei Joshua has been with The Northshore Academy of Martial Arts since his days as a Youth Student in 2006. He has always been energetically involved in school activities including the NSA Demo Team and Youth Leadership Programs. Now, as a young adult, Sensei Joshua’s continued education, enthusiasm, discipline and martial arts spirit exemplifies his status as the ideal student. He is a superb role-model and mentor to all NSA Youth and we are privileged to have him as part of the NSA team.
Sensei Josh’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- 2nd Degree Black Belt in NSA Blended Program under Guro Marc Halleck
- Northshore Academy of Martial Arts Demo Team
- Northshore Academy of Martial Arts Youth Leadership Program

Sensei Eric Sutz
Assistant Instructor – Jeet Kune Do / Kali
Eric Sutz has been training in the martial arts for over 54 years. Mr. Sutz has also trained in judo, boxing, grappling and has traveled to Canada to study Kenjutsu and Aikido with Sensei Dave Skakoon. His other martial art studies have taken him to Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam. His other instructors have included Dr. Maung Gyi/Burmese Bando, Guro Larry Lindenman, Guro Larry Hartsell, Guro Jim Ladis, Professor Remy Presas/Modern Arnis, Guro Daniel Lonero and Professor Wally Jay/Small circle Jujitsu.
Sensei Eric’s Ranking and Accolades include:
- Instructor in Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu and Jeet Kune Do, The Filipino Martial Arts, and Maphilindo Silat under Guro Dan Inosanto
- Instructor under Guro Marc Halleck in NSA Martial Arts
- Instructor under Guro Rick Faye from the Minnesota Kali Group
- Instructor under Guro Ron Balicki in Kali
- Instructor under Grand Master Atillo in Saavedra Balintawak
- Instructor under Guro Hock Hochheim in Pacific Archipelago Combatives and Filipino Combatives
- Black belt under Master Shim in Tae Kwon Do

Enjoy a Free Week of Classes!
Thank you for visiting Northshore Academy of Martial Arts in Libertyville, IL.Sign up below and Take advantage of our Free 1 Week Trial Promotion. We look forward to hearing from you!
- Home
- The NSA Difference
- Our Team
- Facility and Amenities
- Lineage and Accreditation
- Our Style of Martial Arts
- Kids Martial Arts: Ages 4-6
- Youth Martial Arts: Ages 7+
- Youth Pekiti Tirsia Kali
- Youth Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Stick Fighting Olympiads
- Youth Combat Archery
- Private Youth Lessons
- A Message to Parents
- What to Expect for your Child
- Youth Leadership Program
- What our Parents have to Say
- Class Schedule
- Jeet Kune Do / Filipino Kali
- Adult Pekiti Tirsia Kali
- Adult Kickboxing / Muay Thai
- Adult Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Adult Combat Archery
- Stick Fighting Olympiads
- Krav Maga - Women's Self Defense
- Private Adult Lessons
Northshore Academy of Martial Arts
281 Peterson Road
Libertyville, Illinois 60048
We are Located in the
Peterson Commons
Center next to Lino's
and Catered Productions
Directions: Click Here
Phone: 847-573-1672
Email: Click Here
Facebook: Click Here

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